
LaraCroftcontinuesherlatefather'sresearch,trekkingacrossSiberiainsearchoftheanswersherfathercouldn'tfind,facingoffagainstanancientand ...,2021年10月18日—IfyouhaveyettoplayRiseoftheTombRaider,the20YearCelebrationeditionisamusthaveforanyoneinterestedinLaraCroft'slatest ...,此遊戲的附加元件·沒有可用的標題.RiseoftheTombRaider季票.NT$840.00·沒有可用的標題.戰術生還者套件.NT$95.00·沒有可用的標題.白銀...

Rise of the Tomb Raider (Video Game 2015)

Lara Croft continues her late father's research, trekking across Siberia in search of the answers her father couldn't find, facing off against an ancient and ...

Rise of the Tomb Raider:歡慶20 週年

2021年10月18日 — If you have yet to play Rise of the Tomb Raider, the 20 Year Celebration edition is a must have for anyone interested in Lara Croft's latest ...

購買Rise of the Tomb Raider

此遊戲的附加元件 · 沒有可用的標題. Rise of the Tomb Raider 季票. NT$840.00 · 沒有可用的標題. 戰術生還者套件. NT$95.00 · 沒有可用的標題. 白銀套件. NT$30.00.

Rise of the Tomb Raider™ on Steam

In “Rise of the Tomb Raider” you'll explore huge, awe-inspiring ancient spaces littered with deadly traps, solve dramatic environmental puzzles, and decipher ...

Rise of the Tomb Raider

Rise of the Tomb Raider is a 2015 action-adventure game developed by Crystal Dynamics and published by Microsoft Studios and Square Enix.